Monday, July 12, 2010

Surtha Design

So, I decided to mess around with Surtha's design. The top head was the initial design that I tossed together, and the bottom is (hopefully!) the final version. The only big thing I changed was the eyes, and you can see a few trial and error ones I drew in the corners before I picked what I wanted. I also think I'll try that old three finger cartoon trick, since that way I don't have to worry about that one extra finger that looks odd because there's nothing for it to do. I put a close up (though sketchy) design of the 'lucky' spider medallion that he wears, which that big scarf hides.

Again, both the Surtha and Bagaglok concepts come from Elendor MUSH if anyone is wondering -- though I'm still fiddling around with the latter character's design...
Anyway, not sure about colors for this one yet. Probably mostly some shades of grey, and maybe brown somewhere. Scarf might be periwinkle, or at least in my imagination. The medal, though it's not normally seen, would be gold.

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